what if a snack food could be healthy, fun for kids, delicious, and sustainable?
We found the simplest way to do just that.

In fact, our popcorn is simply corn that's been allowed to dry out in the sunshine for a little bit longer. It’s popcorn in its natural state.
Then you get to have all the fun, popping the kernels straight from the cob.
What matters to us, maybe even more than a nutrient-dense snack, is planting these golden little morsels of goodness in super healthy soil. We draw on age-old, regenerative farming techniques and a little bit of soil science to work in concert with nature and achieve perfection. More on that later!
Hand-picked on our tiny family farm in northern Victoria, this snack has just one ingredient. What more could anybody want?
Let’s keep things simple.

how does it work?
Take the whole dried corncob, and pop it securely in the paper bag we give you.
Microwave for a few minutes…
It all pops off the cob, to produce a huge bowl of delicious, nutritious popcorn for guilt-free snacking!

it’s what’s not inside that counts.
Hang on. Is popcorn actually a healthy snack?
Popcorn is naturally high in fibre, contains antioxidants, and is a whole-grain food. That means it can reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.
But not all popcorn is created equal. In many commercial popcorn products, the kernels are stripped from the corncob first then smothered in chemicals and flavourings.
“A fabulous product! My kids loved it so much we bought some as gifts for their friends.”
“What an amazing way to teach our little ones where popcorn comes from! A great variety that has an awesome pop and locally grown … can’t go wrong.”